Introduction Teething is a significant milestone in a baby's development that brings forth a multitude of changes and challenges. As a parent, it's crucial to understand the signs and symptoms associated with teething to provide comfort and support to your little one. In this article, we will explore the five common signs that indicate babies are teething and discuss helpful tips to alleviate their discomfort. What Are 5 Common Signs of Babies When They Are Teething? Babies experience teething differently, but there are five common signs to look out for: 1. Excessive Drooling Babies tend to drool more than usual when teething. You might notice their shirts becoming damp and the skin around their mouths becoming irritated. To manage excessive drooling, keep a clean cloth handy to wipe the chin and apply a gentle barrier cream to prevent chafing. 2. Increased Chewing and Biting Teething babies have an innate urge to alleviate their discomfort by chewing or biting on objects. The...