Humans can't be a vegetarian, and that is an actual fact as well as an established fact. Food supplies the body with all the required nutrients and energy for man to perform everything he does. The digestive tract, particularly the stomach is the one that digests foods that are accepted from the body. The stomach's acidic contents break down the food, transforming into amino acids, proteins and other substances. Acids aren't harmful to the stomach since it has an outer membrane that guards it against acids. If you have listened attentively to your teacher in the beginning, you're already aware that the esophagus is the place where the food goes before it gets to the stomach. The esophagus is not protected similar to that of the stomach. Thus, when acid from your stomach enters the esophagus, its walls are vulnerable to burning. The sensation you are likely to experience is called heartburn. Heartburn is the primary sign that people suffering from acid r...