Dental health isn't just about the gums and teeth according to the common belief, however it is also accountable for the general health of your body as it all starts with the mouth, and all that you ingest. The primary reason for why many of us don't have the annual or semiannual dental check-ups is the fear that they'll cost a lot of money and be costly, so we decide not to do it all at once. But, with a few simple steps and routines, dental care (which significantly affects the overall condition of your health) can be affordable and effortless. According to Martin H. Fischer, "If a person cannot clean his teeth, no dentist can clean them for him." Let's look at some simple to follow ways you can include into your routine to see amazing outcomes: 1. What happens inside, shows the outside The secret to gorgeous sparkling whites, or gums is simply observing the food you consume. Acidic foods can cause tooth enamel erosion , an outer layer of your teeth that shi...