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What Are Teeth Made Of?

What Are the Layers of the Tooth?

Two main characters argue about the best metaphor for layers in a children's movie that was made many years ago. One is parfait, and the other is onions. One-character claims that everyone loves parfait so it's better to describe the item using layers of onions than using layers. Parfait layers are a good way to think about how your teeth are made. Each layer of teeth is layered. They make up a functional-or delicious-whole when they are all combined. Layers that aren't in balance won't work. What are the tooth layers?

The Enamel

The outer crunchy topping of granola! The enamel is the outer, hard surface of the tooth. It protects the inner layers of the tooth against any outside threats. The hardest surface on the human body is enamel. It is made up of minerals, including a special calcium form called hydroxyapatite. To protect the soft layers within, the enamel cap layer extends to the gum line on both ends.

The Dentin

The yogurt layer is next! Dentin is the sensitive layer. It is made up of tubules, which look like small tubes stacked against one another. It connects the innermost parts of a tooth to enamel. It acts as both a cushion and buffer between the outermost and innermost layers of the tooth. When the enamel is removed, dentin can become exposed, which can cause sensitive teeth and pain. The dentin/yogurt connects the enamel/granola to the berry filling/pulp.

The Pulp

The parfait's berry filleting is next. The pulp is the soft, middle layer of each tooth. It contains nerves and blood vessels and keeps them alive and feeling good. The pulp, which is similar to the berries in a parfait and needs protection from the surrounding layers, is the most vulnerable portion of the tooth. Pain is almost inevitable if the pulp of the tooth becomes exposed. A root canal may be required to save some tooth structure if the pulp has been severely damaged. The pulp is key to the health of the tooth, just like the berries in a parfait.

Here are 10 more facts about your teeth you might not have known...

While everyone knows that they need to brush and floss their teeth and gums every day, it doesn't necessarily mean that they do so all the time. If you want to have a beautiful smile, then treatments can whiten your teeth and, if necessary, strengthen your teeth and gums. It is essential to take care of your teeth if you want your smile sparkle and to keep your health in good shape. How often do we stop to think about the materials that teeth are made from and why it is important to take care of them?

Here are 10 fascinating facts about your teeth you might not know.

1) There are four types of tissue in our teeth: pulp, enamel, cementum, and dentin. Cementum, the connective tissue that holds your teeth in place within your jawbone, is called cementum.

2)  Enamel is the hard, shiny, protective coating that covers teeth. Enamel is the hardest substance within the body.

3) Teeth do not have marrow-like bones. Instead, their blood supply is provided by a substance called dental pulp. This contains nerves that can cause pain when you have a cavity, or eat something cold.

4) Many people believe that teeth and bones are the same thing. Although they share some similarities, teeth are not able to heal themselves or grow back together after being broken.

5)  There are three types of teeth in humans: incisors, canines, and molars. The Incisors are used to bite food, while canines hold and tear apart food and molars grind it.

6) The crown is the top of your teeth. It's also known as the fingerprint.

7) Between 4 and 7 months of age, children start to get their first teeth. They usually have 20 teeth by the age of 3.

8) Baby teeth are the foundation of adult teeth. As they grow older, they put more pressure on the roots, which causes them to fall out. The baby teeth are then lost and replaced with permanent teeth. Adults typically have 32 permanent teeth when they reach adulthood.

9) Plaque, which is a combination of bacteria and food can build up on your teeth if they aren't properly cleaned. The bacteria that feed on sugary foods can produce acid, which dissolves calcium minerals in enamel, dentine, and eventually forms a cavity.

10) Plaque that is left on a tooth for too long can cause tartar to form. Gum disease can lead to tooth loss. Tartar can also cause other health problems.

Are you still unsure about your teeth? Dental's DR PAUL. O’MALLEY who are happy to answer any questions. Book an appointment to receive a free consultation, checkup, or cleaning and learn more about keeping your smile healthy.



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